Chakra Color Therapy

Chakra Color Therapy

Chakra Color Therapy - The Colors of the 7 Chakras

Each chakra, or energy center, in the body resonates with a specific vibrational frequency. We can entrain and restore balance to the chakras by transmitting this frequency to them. When they are balanced and in homeostasis, this is healing, wholeness, our natural state. One way to restore balance to the chakras is by using color therapy, which is why color therapy is one of the five healing modalities that all Kailo products are energetically infused with.


Color is absorbed light from the sun and so it is an alive energy, transmitting information. Each color in the visible light spectrum is created by a vibration that resonates within the chakra system. Each chakra resonates with the frequency of a color that also correlates to a sound. For example, red, representing the root chakra, has the same frequency of a C note, so just like playing a singing bowl with the note of C, the color red can entrain the root chakra to homeostasis, balancing it. This means the posters you see of the chakras as part of a rainbow are not just for looks; our chakras are in fact resonating at different colors in rainbow order from base to crown. The higher the chakra, the faster the frequency. 

  • Crown - Violet
  • Third Eye - Indigo
  • Throat - Blue
  • Heart - Green
  • Solar Plexus - Yellow
  • Sacral - Orange
  • Root - Red

Color Therapy

Color therapy has been used in healing for centuries beginning in Egypt, Greece, India, and China. Healing rooms were painted in various colors to affect certain ailments, sometimes aided by crystals and sun. Since it works with vibrational frequency, color therapy is energy healing, effecting the field around the body to restore balance to the physical, emotional, and psychological bodies. Permeating the body through vibration, it’s interesting to note the benefits of color therapy would be received even if someone were blind.


Science is catching up to this ancient healing therapy. Treatments are being used with great results to treat pain using green LED lights, purple light to treat acne, and red light has been used to treat cancer and alleviate migraines, with one study finding 93% of migraine participants finding relief. Studies have shown that painted pink walls help to calm prisoners in jail, suppressing aggressive behavior with great success. 


How can you use color therapy to restore balance in your chakras? The power of color therapy can be utilized in several ways, such as through colored light, color acupuncture, adding colors to your wardrobe, noticing and mindfully soaking in colors through nature, making art, or drinking water infused with color.


At Kailo, all products are ceremonially infused with color therapy using colored light.  As a result, each chakra product carries the vibration of the color that corresponds to that chakra and when the product is applied, that healing vibration is absorbed into the physical body as well as the energetic body (aura).

Chakra Balancing Color Meditation 

One of the simplest and most effective ways to add color therapy to your life is through a visualization meditation. Visualizing colors brings in their energetic frequencies to harmonize and balance the chakras.  In working with Kailo products, we always invite you to use the products as a ritual - a simple and practical way that you can bring intention, presence, stillness and mindfulness to your busy day. Part of the Kailo ritual is visualizing the color of the chakra and chanting the bija mantra and/or affirmations for that chakra while applying the product.  If you would like to go even further in working with the powers of visualization and color therapy, here is a visualization meditation to work with: 

  • Sit in a comfortable position with eyes closed.


  • Take 3 deep and slow inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth, feeling your shoulders drop and your body relax. 


  • Bring your awareness to your root chakra, at the base of the spine between your hips. Bring up a deep and warm red color from the center of the earth. Feel and sense the color swirling in this area with your full awareness. Bring up the emotions of being rooted into the earth, safe in your body. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • Keeping the red in your root chakra, raise the color through the center of your body, allowing it to flow into a bright orange as you arrive at your sacral chakra, just below your navel. Feel it filling up this entire area within your body. As you sense the orange filling this center, feel into pleasure, emotional balance, and trusting in your gut. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • Raise your awareness up to your solar plexus, the area below the breast bone. As you do, allow the orange to flow into a vibrant yellow, bursting with powerful sun rays. Feel the strength of yellow in this center as you bring up the emotions of worthiness, personal will power, strength. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • Raise your awareness to your heart chakra, breathing in and out of your heart as the yellow moves up the central channel and flows into a beautiful emerald green, filling your heart and the space around your heart. Feel the vibrancy of this lush green as you bring in the elevated emotions of love, compassion, gratitude, and wholeness. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • Allow the emerald green to flow into blue as it rises up into your throat chakra, landing and filling completely the whole of your throat. As you sense this calming blue coating your throat, embody the feeling of expressing yourself fully in all ways, communicating confidently. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • As you visualize the blue flowing up to the third eye space allow it to change into a deep indigo color, filling your head from the brow to the back. Keep your awareness there as you feel connected to your intuition, a deep knowing and understanding and clarity of all things. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete.


  • Allow the indigo to rise to the crown chakra at the top of your head as it flows into a beautiful violet. Feel this color expand and fill the area of your crown as you bring in a sense of total oneness with all that is, transcending time and space to connect with the divine, becoming nothing to become everything. Feel the color and the emotions viscerally, keeping your attention there until you feel complete. 


Feel into your body and sense that every color of the rainbow is within you, ascending from bottom to top and then from top back down to bottom; violet to indigo down through the blue throat, down through the emerald heart, the yellow solar plexus, orange sacral and ending at the red root, grounded into the earth, the entire universe glowing brightly within you. 


When you’re ready, bring your awareness back to the physical space you are in, wiggling your toes and fingers, in full knowledge that your chakras are balanced and vibrant, affirming you are whole and complete.  
