The Seven Chakras

A Brief Overview

The word chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit. Chakras are energy centers in the human electromagnetic energy field sometimes known as the aura. There are seven major chakras which are located along the central line of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head. They are conceived of as whirling, wheel-like vortexes through which prana (universal cosmic energy) flows into and out of the body. The flow of this energy affects all areas of our wellbeing.

Each chakra has a specific function and corresponds to specific glands, organs, nerves, muscles, and facets of our emotional, psychological, and spiritual being. Imbalances within the chakras refer to these energy centers being either excessive or deficient in terms of their energy input and output.  These imbalances can effect the areas that correspond to that chakra and may lead to illness, chronic pain, injury or dis-ease.

Energy flows into the chakras two ways. Firstly, upward from the base of our spine, through the Root Chakra, and secondly, from above, entering our Crown Chakra and flowing down. When a chakra along the central channel, or Sushumna Nadi, is functioning suboptimally, energy flow to the rest of the chakras is also effected. Often times when one chakra is excessive another chakra will become deficient or vise versa in an attempt for the energy body to achieve overall balance. But this coping mechanism of matching one imbalance with a counter imbalance isn't truly helpful or healing. When all of the chakras are open and balanced the body radiates health and we feel centered, at peace, and enjoy a deep sense of well being on all levels. ​

From the top to bottom...

The Crown Chakra

Color: Violet

Element: Thought

Location: Top of the head

Physical Correspondence: Upper skull, cerebral cortex, Pineal gland, and the nervous system 

Role: This is the chakra that opens us to the Divine. It is our spiritual gateway to higher realms. This center is associated with highest wisdom, knowledge, transcendence, understanding, enlightenment and unification of the higher self. It is a place of oneness, unity and understanding.

Learn more about the crown chakra here

The Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Location: Central cavity of the brain, centered above the eyebrows.

Physical Correspondence: Eyes, pituitary gland, hypothalamus, medulla plexus, and cerebellum.

Role: Responsible for intuition, insight, and perception, this chakra is known as the psychic energy center. The Third Eye helps us to understand our divine purpose. It is associated with self-reflection, visualization, discernment, clear thought, understanding, and an ability to see clearly.

Learn more about the third eye chakra here

The Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Element: Sound

Location: Hollow of throat

Physical Correspondence: Thyroid gland, ears, nose, throat, mouth, vocal cords

Role: Your communication center — your voice, your creative self-expression. The Throat Chakra relates to speaking your truth, communicating clearly, listening and being heard.

Learn more about the throat chakra here

The Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Element: Air

Location: Center of chest

Physical Correspondence: Heart, lungs, thymus, cardiovascular and respiratory systems

Role: This center is associated with the emotion of love, love on all levels: self-love as well as the love we feel for others. It is the place of sharing, compassion, forgiveness and acceptance. The Heart Chakra is also deeply connected to our relationships, again relationship to self, as well as to others.

Learn more about the heart chakra here

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Location: Between navel and base of sternum

Physical Correspondence: Stomach, liver, gall bladder, digestive system

Role: The Solar Plexus Chakra relates to our personal power. It is associated with self-esteem, self-worth, ego, confidence, will, effectiveness, and freedom from shame.

Learn more about the solar plexus chakra here

The Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Location: Lower abdomen, a few inches below the navel

Physical Correspondence: Reproductive organs, bladder, lower intestines, and urinary system

Role: The center of emotions, sexuality, sensation, pleasure and desires.The Sacral Chakra stimulates creative energy and is connected to issues of control, blame, and guilt.

Learn more about the sacral chakra here

The Root Chakra

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Location: Base of the spine

Physical Correspondence: Kidneys, blood, hips, legs, feet, bones, adrenals, immune system, skin

Role: The Root Chakra relates to our most basic survival needs: food, shelter, safety, comfort and belonging. This energy center is the place of physical strength, energy and vitality. It is how we are connected and grounded to the Earth, our bodies and ancestral roots. It has to do with our connection to the material plane.

Learn more about the root chakra here

Chakra Quiz
